Trading System

Member Registration = 1000Points

Each registered membership has a number Holdings / Stock shares that vary depending on the price of the stock when members join or when members buy Stock

Member join at current stock price is in the price of 0.10 per share
Then 1000: 0,10 = 10000
So the member has a number Stock / Holdings is 10000

Then one day the member buy Stock again at the price of 0.16 per share
Then 1000: 0:16 = 6250
Holdings / Stock Previous + Stock / New Holdings
10000 + 6250 = 16250
Thus, the number of Holdings / Stock the member is increased to 16250

If we sell Holdings / Stock at a higher price then we will benefit
So, a little big advantage of this Stock Trading is very dependent on the price of Stock and Stock trading strategy of the member

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