Active Plan

System Network marketing or network system that is used is a 2 binary system

A. Sponsor Bonus

Sponsor Bonus will given when we recruiting new member. Bonus provided is 20% of registration price. Registration price is 1000Poin.
So... Sponsor Bounus will received 20% of 1000Poin is 200Poin

B. Pairing Bonus
Pairing Bonus in here for level 1 until level 5 will be paid only 1 pair
But in level 1-5 you will received 60% of 1000Poin is 600Poin

So, you just received 600Poin in Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Entry level 6, 7, 8, etc, every pair calculated and multiply by 100Points

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